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About Our Church

The mission of the First Baptist Church of Chuluota is “Through Love and Labor to Make and Mature Christian Disciples.”

Soon after the close of the Civil War, several families residing in Whiteville, North Carolina moved to Florida.  They left by boat and arrived in Mellonville, Florida (modern day Sanford).  From there, using oxen and carts, they completed their trip to the north side of Lake Pickett.  On January 8, 1875, these pioneers established the Harmony Baptist Church which was later renamed the First Baptist Church of Chuluota.  The church has had a continuous presence in the community since that time.

We are in association with the Seminole Baptist Association which is comprised of forty-one churches and missions located in Seminole and West Volusia counties.  For missions and other denominational endeavors, we cooperate with the Florida and Southern Baptist Conventions.

About: About
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